As a build up to the 2024-Armed Forces Remembrance Day scheduled for 15 January 2024, the Chief of the Air Staff, Air Marshal Hasan Abubakar has approved the commencement of the maiden Nigerian Air Force (NAF) Veterans Outreach Programme.

Air Vice Marshal Edward Gabkwet in a statement issued to Defence Correspondents said “the Programme is scheduled to hold from 12-13 January 2024 in the 3 oldest NAF Commands located at Makurdi, Kaduna and Lagos, and aims at giving back to NAF retired officers, airmen and airwomen through medical outreaches, health support talks/lectures and interactive sessions with respective AOCs/Base Comds”.

“Other objectives of the outreach include boosting the morale of the veterans by giving them a sense of belonging while also serving as a forum to discuss and resolve observed challenges that are peculiar to retirees’ welfare”.

“It is also anticipated that the programme will go a long way in uplifting the spirit of the veterans while also assuring them that their services and sacrifices to the nation remain deeply appreciated and unforgettable. It will also demonstrate a positive message of care to those currently serving, reinforcing the value the NAF places on their ongoing efforts at safeguarding lives and properties of Nigerians, while encouraging them to continue to dedicate their services to the nation”